Why Now Is The Time To Invest In Safety Flooring For Playgrounds
When shopping around for daycare centers, private schools, and any other facilities for entertaining or educating their children, parents want to know that the selected locations are guaranteed to be safe. Play structures make childcare centers infinitely more desirable to families by offering little ones an engaging and challenging way to enjoy the great outdoors, get exercise, and build social skills. At Pro-Techs Surfacing, we want business owners to understand why now the best time is to install safety flooring for playgrounds.
Safety floor surfacing is designed to absorb the shock of high falls. If a child should happen to fall off one of your play structures, the resulting injuries are guaranteed to be minimal. These installations prevent concussions, broken bones, and many other serious injuries. All of our experienced installation technicians adhere to the standards set forth in the Public Playground Safety Handbook and we have adopted many safety measures to ensure our rubber products are installed to far exceed those standards.
One of our premium Perma Play 2-layer rubber surfacing playgrounds are a visible, noticeable element to your exterior property designs that show others that you’re committed to the well-being of others. Without property safety elements like a soft rubber surfacing, kids who are playing are at serious risk of harm. Moreover, your business is likely of failing to meet the basic safety regulations that have been set forth by both local and industry-specific regulatory bodies.
Premises liability lawsuits can be devastating for any company. To avoid these personal injury cases, property owners must show that they have met their obligations for duty of care. With play structures, these obligations include installing soft, pliable, shock-absorbing surfaces at acceptable use zones and at the proper critical fall heights. This is where Pro-Techs Surfacing can help install a properly engineered turf, poured-in-place, or bonded mulch rubber surface. This single step can help you avoid both legitimate and frivolous claims. In addition to having greater peace of mind, you may qualify for better insurance premiums. Safety features like these, limit the risk of claim events and the risks of covering your business.
Our rubber products are offered in a diverse range of materials, colors, and styles. We have solutions for meeting all needs and design goals. Not only will our surfaces make your facility’s play area safer, but they’ll also make it infinitely more aesthetically pleasing. Contact Pro-Techs Surfacing today to find the perfect surfacing material for your playground.